Katharine Hepburn



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Daughter of an urologist, Thomas Norval Hepburn (1879-1962), and a feminist activist, Katharine Martha Houghton (1878-1951), she was raised in a cultivated New Jersey family. Second of six children, she is of an independent nature and asserts a definite character (“beautiful but bitchy”). Early on, after studying at the Oxford School and Bryn Mawr College, she became interested in drama classes.

At the age of 19, she dropped out of school and went to Baltimore in a theater company, where she started with small roles in The Tsarine and The Cradle Snatchers and then moved to New York to perform The Big Pond but with little success. .

At twenty, she poses naked for a painter. The poet Phelps Putman says of her: “She was the living anarchy of the heart. She was as rude as life and death. ”

“Garce” – in her own words – she marries for convenience a wealthy businessman to plunge without worry into his only passion, the theater; it is, however, bad and knows it. After her first performance of The Lake on Broadway, novelist and critic Dorothy Parker writes, “So go see Miss Hepburn decline the full range of emotions from A to B.” As a result of this failure she no longer finds a role. But Kate decides to fight.

In 1930, she attended the lecture of Lee Strasberg during which it states the dogma of the Actors Studio: “We will play all kinds of plays. We will all be equal. Featured one week. Simple appearing next. Kate who has a huge ego and “cachetonne” for almost ten years can not accept and slams the door of the theater.

She finally got her first Broadway successes in Art and Mrs Bottle in 1931 and especially in The Warrior’s Husband (1932) in the role of Antiope, Queen of Amazons where she impressed critics.
Conquering Hollywood
Katharine Hepburn in 1932 in the play The Warrior’s Husband.

Katharine Hepburn decides to try her luck in Hollywood. At the time, the studios’ nabobs were looking for an American woman who could compete with Sweden’s Greta Garbo, with an androgynous morphology, a diaphanous face and a refined personality. When Kate introduces herself, her slenderness and independence impress the mighty David Selznick (one of the directors of the RKO at this time) who offers her first film, Heritage alongside John Barrymore, directed by George Cukor, who will become his favorite director . They will shoot seven films together and several TV movies.

With her latest successes at the theater, the actress manages to negotiate an advantageous contract. Arrived in 1932 in Hollywood, the actress detonates in this world very glamorous by her physique, her way of being and dressing (pants and shirt disassembled).
The Four Girls of Dr. March (1933).

Her temperament is the opposite of the female stereotypes of the time, embodied by Greta Garbo, the mythical woman, Marlene Dietrich inaccessible femme fatale, with eroticism disorder, or Mae West and Jean Harlow, stars with aggressive sexuality. She will embody the new heroines of the screen: independent and active, asserting their own personality, not in the security of marriage, but in the desire to act equally, if not more, than that of a man.

She sets up an ambitious aviator ready for anything in Le Phalène, her second film; an independent girl who renounces love to become a writer in Dr. March’s Four Girls; a tomboy boy disguised as a man in Sylvia Scarlett; Queen Mary Stuart for John Ford; a feminist activist who unashamedly assumes her mother-daughter status in La Rebelle …

Soon, all producers, directors and stars will fall under his spell and will be the victims of his character. From her first films, she gives her opinion on everything and shows an innate artistic sense.

A star of the RKO, she won the Academy Award for best actress in Morning Glory. A year later, in 1934, the actress divorced from Ludlow Oggen Smith.
The Impossible Mr. Baby (1938).

George Cukor, immediately fascinated by the actress, renews their collaboration for Dr. March’s Four Girls. From their first meeting, a friendship is born which will last throughout their life. She received the very first Volpi Cup for the best female performance of the Venice Film Festival for this film. In 1936, she met for the third time director George Cukor for a film Sylvia Scarlett, where she interpreted the role of a tomboy becoming a young woman blossomed through love. Heavy critical and commercial failure, this unclassifiable film is however one of the most beautiful films of Cukor of the thirties.

Information source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katharine_Hepburn

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Page Name: Katharine Hepburn
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